The mission of The Change Making Media Lab (CMML) is to foster positive social and environmental change by producing strategic high-impact cinema, television, multi-media visual imagery to inspire individuals, organizations, and communities into action. CMML also promotes research on effective media techniques and helping engaged community members leverage the power of the cinematic arts to achieve health, sustainability, and social justice.  

CMML also supports production and cutting-edge research focused on the intersectionality multi-dimensional components of the cinematic arts and their effects on human behavior and their ability to produce individual, community, and policy change.

  • CMML produces videos that will build the capacity of public and private entities to affect positive social change.
  • CMML utilizes targeted research to inform, promote, and increase the production of socially transformative media and it does post distribution effectiveness assessments through innovative evaluation techniques.
  • CMML provides presentations and conferences on effective use of cinematic media.

CMML brings together a wide range of multidisciplinary stakeholders from across the nation to achieve these goals.  Strategically housed within the University of Southern California (USC) School of Cinematic Arts, one of the premiere film schools in the country, CMML accesses filmmakers both experienced and new for varieties of genres including dramatic, documentary, animation and VR.


Cinematic Media

Film, video, digital production, web streaming and downloading, mobile technology, gaming, broadcast and cable television, public service announcements, and emerging alternative media forms and distribution.

Stylistic Media Variables

Elements of the narrative, dramatic theory, documentary styles, animation techniques, performance, design, editing, sound and music, interactive media, and new digital techniques.

Human Characteristics

Age, gender, race/ethnicity, culture, education, interdsectionality values, cognitive/emotional processing, and behavior’